Koopman Theory for Partial Differential Equations

We consider the application of Koopman theory to nonlinear partial differential equations. We demonstrate that the observables chosen for constructing the Koopman operator are critical for enabling an accurate approximation to the nonlinear dynamics. If such observables can be found, then the dynamic mode decomposition algorithm can be enacted to compute a finite-dimensional approximation of the Koopman operator, including its eigenfunctions, eigenvalues and Koopman modes. Judiciously chosen observables lead to physically interpretable spatio-temporal features of the complex system under consideration and provide a connection to manifold learning methods. We demonstrate the impact of observable selection, including kernel methods, and construction of the Koopman operator on two canonical, nonlinear PDEs: Burgers’ equation and the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation. These examples serve to highlight the most pressing and critical challenge of Koopman theory: a principled way to select appropriate observables.